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Dark Nights Online
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A spicy sneak preview...
“There’s something else you should know,” she said, sliding her panties to the side. As she did, she removed the zipper on my leather pants, pulling the button open and tugging them down to free my thick, hard cock. “There are special boosts you’ll receive in this world from the women of Dark Nights. When you have sex —” Her words cut off as she slid her wet, juicy pussy up and down my shaft, then slowly impaled herself on me, gasping in pleasure. “When you...have sex,” she said through soft, breathy moans, “and you make a girl cum, she’ll grant you special bonuses that will improve your abilities throughout the game.”
I grunted in pleasure, feeling her warm, wet pussy enveloping me. “Like...bonuses to strength and such?”
“Mhm. You’ll see it in your hotbar. See how, while I’m fucking you, your total hit points are increasing?”
She was right — my health was slowly going up. So was my agility and strength. Apparently I got a total boost to stats, the more she rocked herself on my hard shaft; the closer she got to orgasm, the higher my stats went.
“Ohhh, shit.” I groaned in pleasure as she tugged her top down, freeing her voluptuous, large tits. The feel of her silken walls around me was incredible. In real life, I hadn’t gotten laid in about two years, and I could feel my real self — outside the game — getting aroused from watching this play out. And feeling it, as if it were really happening to me.
Dark Nights Online: Part I
There was no reason to believe she could have ever been real.
But looking at the picture of the beautiful woman on the cover of Dark Nights, a new VRMMO from one of my favorite game companies, I felt a strange sense of connection.
Her hair was a deep, dark red, her eyes the most exquisitely blue that I’d ever seen in my life. She wore a thick leather trenchcoat, one that came down to her calves. Underneath was just a skimpy white tank top and a pair of shorts that didn’t cover her thighs. Not even close.
She also wore a pair of fishnet stockings, complimented by a set of black stiletto boots.
She gazed at the camera with a knowing smile and a futuristic blade in one hand. Clearly a warrior — but also sexy as hell.
Claim your destiny in Dark Nights, read the text below the title. Become the warrior you were meant to be. Bring women into your stronghold and tame them. Feel the power of a god.
Apparently in this game, you could do more than just get a few mediocre romance scenes — you could have full-blown sexual encounters with as many girls as you wanted. And that whole ‘bringing women into your stronghold’ line was because you got points, the more girls you ‘tamed.’
This sounds like the game for me, I thought, smirking.
I logged in and started it up. The character creation screen was fairly basic: there were a number of preset male bodies, some thin, some heavy. I chose a muscled male of slightly taller height, along with a face that was rugged and good-looking, sporting a five o’clock shadow. My hair was short and buzzed.
I made my eyes a dark blue color, with my avatar looking fairly much like me in real life. I wasn’t quite as buff as he was — but I did work out, so I was in decent shape. I added a long scar to the left shoulder of my character, along with a backstory. He’d gotten the scar during a gunsword battle, when his opponent had gained the upper hand. It had been one of the few times in his life he’d found himself at a vulnerable point — mostly because the woman he loved had been in danger.
Now, my character — whose name was Lawson — came to life. Equipped with a simple set of leathers, he looked much like a western war hero, set in a slightly more futuristic, fantasy landscape. The area he appeared in was fairly barren, with some sparse bushes and shrubs around. Underneath his boots was reddish-brown sand and clay, the wind whipping by slowly.
I clicked on “First-person mode” and was immersed in my avatar, seeing the landscape from his eyes. I could hear the wind whipping around me, smell the dusty desert sand, hear the faint sound of insects chittering nearby. The world was richly-developed, sinking me immediately into the experience.
I’d get to choose my stats in the next section, according to the game’s instructions. I followed the path to the nearest town, where an attractive young woman with dark brown hair waited for me, wearing a dark brown tank top and shorts.
“Greetings, Master Lawson.” She invited me up to the top of the stairway where she sat. “Here is where you’ll choose your specialty (class) and points allotment. This will help determine your specific strengths throughout the world of Dark Nights.”
I put a decent amount of points into strength — which would help me with hand-to-hand combat. I intended to spec into gunswords and vibroswords, which were the main melee weapons in the game. If you wanted to go ranged, you needed more points in agility for speed and reflexes.
As I selected my stats, the girl put her hand on my shoulders. I felt gentle throbs of energy coming into my body. As if I was being enhanced, made stronger and faster. I put some points into endurance as well. That’d help me withstand attacks from monsters and bandits throughout the game.
The woman’s hands slid sensuously down the front of my chest. Then she moved around to stand in front of me. I noticed fully for the first time how sexy and skimpy her outfit was. It showed off her sleek, sensual body, highlighting her curves and femininity.
Apparently it was very easy for me to get hard in game, because I felt my cock twitching, growing to full as she straddled my lap. “To fully be a hero in this game, you’ll need to select your special ability, as well.”
“What’s my special ability?” I asked, caressing her ass with my hands. “What can I choose from?”
“You can choose from three selections: extra warrior technique, giving you an advantage in combat; persuasive intellect, making it easier to charm adversaries and seduce beautiful women; or the third, which is extra stealth, letting you creep into dark areas unseen to obtain hidden treasures.”
The woman on my lap seemed like one treasure I wanted to obtain, all right. “Is it true that later in the game, I’ll receive my own stronghold area? That I’ll be able to seduce and tame women to keep for my conquests?”
“That’s right,” she purred, her lips caressing my neck and ear. “You’ll come across a number of gorgeous women on your journeys through Dark Nights. Some of them will offer the opportunity to seduce. For you, as the player, you’ll see a small heart icon appear by certain dialogue choices — and sometimes above the NPC’s head.”
“So this tells me I’ll be able to win that girl over, if I make the right choices with her...”
“That’s right.” She moved back, smiling at me, her hips grinding slowly against me. As she rubbed her shorts-clad pussy against my crotch, my hardon throbbed; damn, the designers really knew what they were doing in this game. I was already eager to plunge my cock inside the first nubile, sexy babe that had shown up — and I wasn’t even fully formed yet, in terms of my avatar.
“There’s something else you should know,” she said, sliding her panties to the side. As she did, she removed the zipper on my leather pants, pulling the button open and tugging them down to free my thick, hard cock. “There are special boosts you’ll receive in this world from the women of Dark Nights. When you have sex —” Her words cut off as she slid her wet, juicy pussy up and down my shaft, then slowly impaled herself on me, gasping in pleasure. “When you...have sex,” she said through soft, breathy moans, “and you make a girl cum, she’ll grant you special bonuses that will improve your abilities throughout the game.”
I grunted in pleasure, feeling her warm, wet pussy enveloping me. “Like...bonuses to strength and such?”
m. You’ll see it in your hotbar. See how, while I’m fucking you, your total hit points are increasing?”
She was right — my health was slowly going up. So was my agility and strength. Apparently I got a total boost to stats, the more she rocked herself on my hard shaft; the closer she got to orgasm, the higher my stats went.
“Ohhh, shit.” I groaned in pleasure as she tugged her top down, freeing her voluptuous, large tits. The feel of her silken walls around me was incredible. In real life, I hadn’t gotten laid in about two years, and I could feel my real self — outside the game — getting aroused from watching this play out. And feeling it, as if it were really happening to me.
Her lips pressed to mine in a hot, hungry kiss. She moaned softly into me. “Grab my ass...slap it. Ooooh, yes. Make me cum, ranger.”
Ranger. The class I had selected...or perhaps it had selected me. I knew deep down this was my destiny in the game — to be a gun/sword-wielding mercenary, ready to take on whatever jobs came my way. To conquer whatever was in my path — and have sex with beautiful women along the way.
This girl — whose name I didn’t even know, so I thought of her as Intro Girl in my mind — would be my first.
Intro slid her body up and down against mine, letting me cup her firm, sexy tits. I sucked on them, one at a time, smiling as I saw the pleasure coursing through her body. Her breathy gasps hit my neck, her fingers driving into my strong shoulders. “Ohhh shit,” she gasped, riding me harder as I slapped her ass. “Just like that, Lawson. Yes, fuck me, baby. Oh my god. I’m gonna cum!”
I reached between our bodies, squeezing my fingers around her engorged clit — and as I rubbed and prodded her horny nub, she came violently on my cock, her whole body shuddering in pleasure.
“OHHHH FUCK!” she cried, her pussy gushing around me. I felt my own orgasm rising — and with one firm squeeze of her pussy around me, she was coaxing the load from my balls.
I grunted in pleasure as I released, shooting thick spurts of cum into her. As I came, I saw my stats rising even higher — and a triumphant ding sound, accompanied by a little musical victory cue, played in my headphones.
STAT BOOST GRANTED! came the flashing gold text on my screen. Orgasm achieved!
I chuckled, as the player, outside the game. That was pretty fucking funny. And hot, too.
Intro kissed me again, her hot lips moving against mine. As my cock stilled inside her, she slid off me, giving my manhood a final kiss. Then she pulled her clothes back on and turned to a large weapons rack behind us.
“Choose your first armaments, ranger. Then you may be on your way.”
I stood, zipping up my pants, and looked over the offered weapons. The best one looked like a gleaming silver/black gun with a large blade built into one side. The blade could be retracted if I wished to use it as a ranged weapon, firing heavy rounds of ammo. I showed her my choice and she nodded, smiling.
“Be careful on your way, Master Lawson. The world is dangerous out there, filled with many predators. I hope to see you again someday soon.”
With that, Intro Girl faded into the background, the room with stats and weapons slowly vanishing from my view.
It was replaced with the world outdoors once more — the barren landscape before me. In the distance I could see several human enclaves, looking a bit like tents and fences. To the other side I saw a stretch of brush and woods, where the foliage grew thicker. I pulled up my map — which I could access from the watch around my wrist, my special Dark Nights ranger armband.
The map was detailed, showing me exactly where the forested areas were and where human settlements were. The place with the tents was called The Drag, basically a place where I could go to resupply and pick up some quests. Further south where the woods were, I saw some text showing Windsor Woods. I’d head there after, maybe, if I could get a quest or two pointing me that way.
As I struck out towards The Drag, I encountered several roaming coyotes and bandits. I was able to dispatch most of them at range, only closing in to melee and using my Fast Strikes ability. Since I’d chosen a mix of agility and strength, I was able to deliver fast and heavy blows — but I’d have to pick one or the other to ultimately specialize in. Depended on how much I liked doing the big, heavy stuff with my two-handed gunsword — or how much I might want to try dual-wielding double gunswords.
As I reached The Drag, I dinged level 3. I wasn’t sure what the max level was yet — I hadn’t downloaded the expansion pack. I knew I could get to at least 40, possibly more.
The town itself was sparsely populated, though there were a few other players running past me, as well as several NPCs nearby. I made my way toward the armory and supply store, figuring I’d stock up before heading out into the wilds.
Once I’d gotten food and supplies, I made my way into a nearby tavern to sack up for the night.
It seemed as good a spot as any to take a break. I pulled my headset off and disconnected from the game, stretching. I was still pretty hard; that sexy scene with Intro Girl had gotten me going.
It was almost 6 o’clock by now; I’d been in game for several hours. I didn’t have to go back to work — my lame, boring job at the car parts store — until Monday.
Two full days of gaming.
I sat down with a beer on my front porch, thinking over how things had gone in my life recently. My mom would call me sometimes, asking what I was doing. And still, I’d be working at Auto Spot, my current job. It wasn’t something I really enjoyed, but it paid the bills.
Why didn’t I seek out other opportunities? I wondered. I could have been so much more. I’d studied self-defense and martial arts, as well as exotic weapons, in college. I knew history, too. I could’ve been a professor, could have worked for a tech firm...could have done lots of things.
But my self-confidence was lacking.
As I pondered my life to date, I saw a car pull up across the street — a black Audi. It was my neighbor — my ultra-hot, few-years-older-than-me neighbor, Melissa Marshall.
Melissa had been divorced for a while; I knew from the few brief conversations we’d had. She seemed like a really nice person — always took an interest and asked me how my day was going, things like that. She was also extremely hot — usually wearing tight-fitting blouses and skirts, paired with fishnet stockings and heels. Her blonde hair was done professionally and stylishly, her makeup always just right.
I’d had more than a few fantasies about her, alone in my bed at night.
As she closed her car door, she caught sight of me and smiled. She came across the street and leaned against my front porch. “Well, hey, stranger. Haven’t talked to you in a while.”
As she did, I caught sight of her large, sexy tits pushing through the front of her blouse. My hardon, still throbbing from that sex scene in the game, refused to go away — and was now coming back at Melissa’s approach. I put my beer bottle in my lap, hoping it would hide all trace of my arousal.
“Hi, Melissa. How’s working going?”
“Pretty good. I got a promotion recently.”
“You did? That’s great — congratulations.”
“Yep. VP of operations. I got the job about three days ago.”
I smiled. “Well, that’s fantastic. I’m really happy for you.”
“Mhm. In fact...” She eyed the beer bottle between my legs, smiling coyly. “i was hoping I might find someone to celebrate with. I haven’t officially popped the champagne yet.”
I chuckled. “I’m sure you’ve got plenty of guys lined up at your door, eager for the chance.”
“That’s true, I do.” She swung one leg over the bannister of my porch, then the other, giving me a sexy glimpse of thigh. Perching there for a moment, she gave me a flirty smile, then slunk down from the side of the porch to land in front of me. “But you know the one I’d like to have take me out?” She came closer until she was just a few inches away, leaning forward; I could feel her soft blonde hair falling against my face,
but was too stunned and engrossed in everything about her — her smell, her presence, her voice — to move.
“Who...who’s that?” I asked.
“You, silly.” She traced a finger gently along the side of my jaw. “Rick...you’re the one I’d like to have take me out to celebrate. Think you’d be up for it?”
Would I ever, I thought. But not wanting to appear too eager and totally bowled over by her sexiness — and the tempting offer — I smiled, staying as controlled as I could. “I think I could be persuaded.”
“Oh, you could, could you?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
Our eyes remained locked, something hot passing between us. Maybe she was into me — but no, how could she be? I was so far off from what Melissa was — she was sexy, poised, confident, in control. I was some loser who worked at the auto shop as a sales clerk and played MMOs in my free time.
“Then I’ll be expecting you to come pick me up tomorrow night,” she said in a soft, sultry voice. “Does seven work for you?”
I could hardly believe it — Melissa Marshall, the hot VP of operations at Titan Tech...asking me out?
On a date?
“I’ll be there.” I nodded to her.
“All right, then.” She leaned in close, her lips coming close to my cheek. “I’m looking forward to it.” For a second I thought she was going to kiss me — but instead she just hovered there, letting me stare at her gorgeous tits.
Smiling, she pulled back, making her way off my porch. I could have sworn I saw a wet spot in her panties as they flashed from underneath her skirt — but maybe I was just imagining it.
Thanks for reading! If you liked this story, check out these similar titles by my friend and fellow author, Anna Eluvae:
The Elven Captive
The Captive Mage
Claiming His Destiny
His World to Claim
His Rightful Throne
His Secret World
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A spicy sneak preview...